The below is some of our news and activities:
2015 till present
‘We respect and have total trust in the team.’ - The Legal 500
‘Nattaphol Chinawong goes over and above the call of duty when first presented with a legal situation or problem that we encounter. He asks us the right questions, sees alternative views, thinks carefully about our options and then proceeds to discuss more thoroughly the case specifics.’ - The Legal 500
'Nattaphol and his team operate with unwavering integrity, skill, and promptness. They are a delight to work with and I endorse and recommend their services without hesitation.' - Google Review
'I would also like to take the opportunity to let you know how wonderful and helpful Mr. Nattaphol and his firm were to X. I hired his firm through the list of law firms that the embassy gave me. He has been the ultimate professional, honest, credible, and a keen advocate for his client.' - Client's feedback to an embassy
‘The team is experienced and knowledgeable.’ - The Legal 500
June 2024 Successfully represented a listed Thai public company in 2 TAI arbitration cases resulted in over THB 100 Million in compensation and costs.
June 2024 Obtained a favorable jurisdictional-challenge order on behalf of one of the largest international delivery and logistics companies based in China.
May 2024 Co-counsel with White & Case in a data-privacy matter on behalf of a multinational corporation
May 2024 Successfully represented Qatar Airways in a jurisdictional challenge in a case concerning loss and found.
April 2024 Obtained an award of compensation in a complex tort case for a couple individual clients which has become one of the largest personal injury compensation claims ever awarded in Thailand, at nearly THB 30 Million plus legal interest.
April 2024 Successfully represented a North American national in a Thai criminal court, obtaining a suspended sentence and settlement of charges, which enables the person to leave Thailand after days of incarceration.
March 2024 Advised an education institution in respect of employment termination matters
January 2024 Successfully represented victim's family of the infamous motorcycle accident in the Court of Appeal (Dr Kratai Case). The Court of Appeal ordered an additional imprisonment sentence of 5 years and 1 month, without parole
January 2024 Successfully represented Millennium Juristic Person in relation to a legal dispute concerning illegal renovation of condominium units by owner
December 2023 Advised Phuket Superacht on maritime related contracts including, for example, ship repair agreement and ship delivery protocols agreement
December 2023 Successfully defended an international college and international school in labour proceedings before Thai court
December 2023 Successfully reached an amicable settlement agreement for an international oil and gas company in relation to a labour dispute
November 2023 Advised a hospitality business based in Phuket on complex property and tax law matters
November 2023 Advised Seatran Ferry in relation to a complex service agreement
October 2023 Advised the Canadian Embassy in relation to certain Thai law questions
October 2023 Provided legal advice and represented a well-known platform in relation to certain legal matters
September 2023 Successfully represented a Thai business tycoon and his family in an adhoc arbitration case under Thai law and parallel court case in relation to partnership agreement disputes.
August 2023 The firm's corporate team successfully closed a multi-billion Baht shares sale and purchase transaction relating to clinical business on behalf of Thai founders with international bank investors.
July 2023 Instructed by UK Police and successfully assisted such police force in relation to a certain cross-border criminal proceedings probe.
June 2023 Successfully represented a Hong Kong business tycoon in the Thai police proceedings concerning bank account freezing order. Successfully secure a total release order of the seized funds in the bank account in favor of our client.
May 2023 Enforced a SIAC arbitral award on behalf of a world top-3 pharmaceutical company.
April 2023 Represented Qatar Airways in litigation matters in Thai courts
March 2023 Successfully represented an oil and gas company in a labour dispute with its former top executive in a multi-millions Baht claim (case upheld by court of appeal)
February 2023 Successfully represented a group of Japanese investors in litigation matter before Thai courts relating to real estate investment.
January 2023 Provided legal opinion to Hong Kong barristers in relation to a cross-border family law dispute
December 2022 Advised an investor in relation to investment fraud taken place in Phuket
November 2022 Successfully settled a shareholder dispute on behalf of business owners based in Prachinburi including completing a complex shares sale and purchase agreement
October 2022 Successfully settled a cross-border inheritance dispute on behalf of an Irish family involving Thai assets
September 2022 Advised Hong Kong solicitors relating to surrogacy under Thai law
August 2022 Advised the Canadian Embassy relating to certain Thai law issues
August 2022 Since 2020, the firm has advised prominent telecommunication and tech firms on Thai cyber law including three of the world largest social media platforms, 2 well-known online delivery platforms and a phone manufacturing company.
July 2022 Successfully defended a hotel based in Samui concerning a labour dispute in the Labour Inspection stage.
May 2022 Engaged by an English law firm to be an expert witness in English legal proceedings involving shareholder dispute under Thai law
March 2022 The firm advised Visa in relation to a Thai law matter.
January 2022 Appointed as the Honorary Legal Advisor of the British Embassy, Bangkok
January 2022 Inclusion in the Legal 500 Asia Pacific in Tier 3 for Dispute Resolution for 3 consecutive years. Also listed in Benchmark Litigation Asia Pacific and Asia Law as notable firm in dispute resolution.
July 2021 Represented Hong Kong, Canadian and Albanian corporate creditors in different debt collection cases in IP Court against Thai debtors.
June 2021 Advised Columbia Pictures Aquaverse in relation to various legal matters including banking, cyber, employment and IP matters.
May 2021 Represented Japanese creditors in debt collection cases concerning real estate in Thailand.
May 2021 Advised a subsidiary of NTT Docomo Group (OTCMKTS: DCMYY) in an successful transaction with its business counterpart in Thailand.
April 2021 Advised Instagram in relation to cyber law matters.
April 2021 Successfully obtained a foreign business license for Allison Transmission under Thai-US Amity Treaty.
March 2021 Engaged by Irish and Dutch families to pursue administration of estates in Thailand.
February 2021 Advised Allison Transmission (NYSE: ALSN) in relation to corporate and foreign business law and represented it to set up a Thai entity.
January 2021 Inclusion in the Legal 500 Asia Pacific in Tier 3 for Dispute Resolution for 2 consecutive year. Also listed in Benchmark Litigation Asia Pacific and Asia Law as notable firm in dispute resolution.
December 2020 Obtained an executor appointment order from Thai court through international virtual proceedings on behalf of a foreign family.
November 2020 Engaged by Kuwait Airways to advice the company in relation to Thai employment laws.
October 2020 Advised a subsidiary of NTT Docomo Group (OTCMKTS: DCMYY) in relation to software contracts under Thai law.
August 2020 Engaged by Facebook Thailand to advise the company in relation to Thai entity law.
July 2020 Engaged by a subsidiary of Raffles Education (SGX: NR7) to advise the company in relation to construction, employment and commercial matters.
July 2020 Obtained an emergency interim injunction on behalf of a plaintiff to temporary seize a Boeing 747-300 aircraft parked at an airport in Thailand in connection with debt collection matter.
June 2020 Obtained an emergency interim injunction on behalf of house owners against a developer in a class-action case concerning increase of utility charges.
March 2020 Engaged by a subsidiary of Weatherford (NYSE: WFT) to advise the company in relation to employment matters.
January 2020 Inclusion in the Legal 500 Asia Pacific in Tier 3 for Dispute Resolution.
September 2019 Successfully resisting an extradition request on behalf of a foreign government disputing the extradition bid in Thai courts. The firm has been an advisor to the embassy of this foreign state till date.
August 2019 Successfully obtained an arbitration award worth in excess of USD 30 Million, following a successful emergency injunction obtained in 2015.
May 2019 Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2019 recognizes the firm in Tier 3 for Commercial and Transactions litigation, Tier 2 for Government and Regulatory litigation and notable firm in Intellectual Property litigation.
September 2018 Asia Law recognises the firm as Notable Firm in Dispute Resolution.
August 2018 Advised the British Embassy to develop a pilot victim form for British nationals to coordinate with Thai police.
June 2017 Natipatana successfully revoked an injunction order of the Administrative Court on behalf of a ferry company which prohibited a usage of certain type of vessels on the environmental concerns.
March 2017 Natipatana successfully represented Thailand’s Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education in the Administrative Court in the case concerning cancellation of passport by the Military Regime. The decision is confirmed by the Supreme Administrative Court in May 2018.
February 2017 Natipatana was engaged by a foreign embassy to defend one of its nationals in an extradition case involving complex international law and human rights issues.
March 2016 Natipatana was appointed by Kasikorn Thai Bank PCL to defend one of its executives in a case filed against the Bank and its executives.
February 2016: Natipatana’s Partner, Nattaphol Chinawong, received the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Award for International Arbitration. Briefed details of the award and photos of the award ceremony that Nattaphol received have been published by the British Embassy Bangkok.
November 2015: Natipatana’s Partner, Nattaphol Chinawong, was elected to the Executive Board of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Thailand.
October 2015: Natipatana commenced arbitration and obtained emergency injunction on behalf of a joint-venture company against a public enterprise corporation in relation to complex contractual disputes and bank guarantee. The main case is being arbitrated in English.
September 2015: Natipatana’s Nuttawut Chinawong and Nattaphol Chinawong acted as lead-counsels on behalf of the defendant who was the former Foreign Minister of Thailand, in a case filed against him by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (“NACC”) in the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions. The NACC accused and charged the Minister of committing malfeasance under the Section 157 of the Penal Code for his execution of the Joint Communiqué with Cambodia on behalf of the Thai Government concerning the UNESCO inscription of the Phra Viharn Temple. The case involves highly sensitive issues both procedurally and substantively. The Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions ruled on 4 September 2015 by 6-3 votes to dismiss the case and all allegations against the defendant. Junior Associate, Thinya Nuseewhor and, Senior Associate, Nath Wangsouppaphol, played important roles in our legal team.
August 2015: Natipatana successfully obtained an emergency injunction on behalf of an international university against a group of university’s executives in case concerning tort and wrongful acts.
July 2015: Natipatana’s Partner, Nuttawut Chinawong, was appointed to the Legal Advisor of the Buddhist Scholars Association.
March 2015: Natipatana successfully revoked a certain administrative order on behalf of a Forbes-500 PCL company in the Central Administrative Court of Thailand and the Comptroller Department, the Ministry of Finance proceedings.